Wild Heist Cashout
In the bustling city, there resides a wealthy and prestigious businessman. Within the confines of his lavish home lies an enormous vault filled with countless dazzling jewels and towering stacks of gold bars. However, breaching this impregnable vault is no easy feat, as it is safeguarded by state-of-the-art laser scanning systems. This however, has piqued the interest of the legendary thief, Alfred.
Tsar Treasures
Na cidade de Yagetha, existe um cativante Museu Real que exibe orgulhosamente artefatos e tesouros preciosos da época dos czares. Sob o manto da escuridão, um grupo nefasto se infiltrou discretamente no museu para roubar sua exposição mais valiosa: os magníficos Ovos Fabergé do Czar. Este ato audacioso destruiu a cidade outrora pacífica.
Safari Wilds
In the vast African savanna, the morning mist lingers while the roars of wild beasts echo in the air, breaking the morning calm. Many wild animals such as lions, cheetahs, rhinos, and giraffes have called this place home, but it is also said to hide many lost ancient artifacts and treasures.
Mystic Potion
In the magical world, there exists a miraculous potion known as the "Spring of Fortune." The Spring of Fortune is crafted by blending various rare potions, each representing different elements of destiny such as luck, wisdom, friendship, and more. These potions are scattered in dangerous places throughout the world, and only brave and wise wizards can seek them out.
Fortune Dragon
Long ago, during a Lunar New Year, a kind-hearted villager stumbled upon an injured dragon. He cared for the dragon until it regained its health. In gratitude, the dragon revealed itself as a deity of prosperity and luck. To honour this Fortune Dragon, colourful lanterns were hung and the sound of firecrackers echoed throughout the entire village, as they prayed for blessings and prosperity.
Chicky Run
PG SOFT™ introduces its first-ever choose-your-own survival game – Chicky Run! In the bustling metropolis, a brave little chicken embarks on a thrilling adventure. The journey is filled with challenges, navigating through busy streets where the chicken must avoid being run over by fast moving vehicles. Step into the role of the chicken's guardian angel and help it traverse the busy streets!