Yakuza Honor
In the bustling streets of Tokyo, two rival yakuza organizations are engaged in a fierce conflict. The Azure Dragon Gang is an established yakuza group that upholds honor and tradition, are currently locked in a standoff with the ambitious upstart gang, Night Wolves. This strife stems from the battle for control over Tokyo's underground world and its immense wealth. Both leaders vow to protect their territory from any encroachment.
Cash Mania
In the quaint town of Slan, Derrick was just another villager until a fateful expedition led him to find a unique green diamond that grants wishes. Using this diamond's magic, he crafted an extraordinary ATM that gives out random generous rewards, catapulting him to becoming the town's richest elite.
Chicky Run
PG SOFT™ introduces its first-ever choose-your-own survival game – Chicky Run! In the bustling metropolis, a brave little chicken embarks on a thrilling adventure. The journey is filled with challenges, navigating through busy streets where the chicken must avoid being run over by fast moving vehicles. Step into the role of the chicken's guardian angel and help it traverse the busy streets!
Wings of Iguazu
Deep in the Iguazu Falls, a nearly extinct species of precious bird hides—the Blue Macaw. These parrots possess dazzling, radiant blue feathers, like gems in the deep sea, shimmering and shining. This rare creature only appears once every few centuries and is considered a sign of good luck.
Dragon Hatch 2
Deep in the mountains of Fulroya lies the habitat of the dragons of the East China Sea that have been isolated from the world for 500 years. That all changed when the dragon queen laid 3 dragon eggs with mysterious powers, which have attracted ‘dragon hunters’ that have been coveting the dragon’s eye gem. According to legends, the 3 dragon eggs are the key to finding the dragon's eye gem. To prevent the 3 eggs from falling into the wrong hands, the weakened dragon queen entrusted the eggs to the dragon master for safekeeping.
Gladiator's Glory
Maximus, a gladiator from a poor family, has become the star of the ancient Roman arena through his own hard work and courage. The flames of freedom burn in his heart as he dons his thick armor and wields a strong sword to face a huge and ferocious tiger with no signs of fear! The audience is gripped with anticipation as they witness Maximus make his final charge towards the tiger. Will Maximus finally triumph over the tiger and claim the fame and fortune of victory? Let’s quickly open "Gladiator Glory" to find out!